Heres a topic that is affecting us all..the worlds financial state.
before i go into great detail about this subject i feel it is only fair to share the views i carry on certain sujects concerning religon,the structure of politics, the corruption of our world banking system,The failing monetary system of wich we are ALL governed by.The politics of the new world order announced by George bush on september 11th 1991.The Events leading upto The world Trade centre event 911.The Venus Project,And the current credit crisis we are all sujected to. Heres some links on videos that will help you understand what i mean
some of these view my be difficult to accept by the average person who has been conformed by the cooperate media,
please understand that i was a member of the british forces for 17 years and have been given briefings and information that the normal man/woman
would never know about.i implore my friendss(you),to watch these films and related links and educate yourself and make sensible comments.
By watching these films you will have information on sujects that the Government does not whant you to know.