normaly i wouldnt get involved in such matters but you guys got to check this out
i mean is this guy for real or what .shouldnt he finish the first peace of shit he made before he starts another peace of shit.
who the fuck does he think hes kidding come on.Only a real idiot would fall for this pack of saves he made with a new menu screen as another total conversion using sjc kashyyyk map pack.does he realy think the jka community is so stupid.he realy is insulting everybody now.ok i know his little istambul kindergarten group worship him like hes the chosen one,but hey guys dont fall for it...
theres a difference between calling yourself an ammature(me) and producing a half decent mod,and calling yourself the grand master modder of he universe and producing SHIT ..
p.s Send all your donations.your bank account details and some of your blood for him to drink to TIM@suckshisownass.T.W.A.T
This guy is realy starting to piss me off